Thieves steal jewellery from Hemel Hempstead home

Hertfordshire Police is investigating the crimeHertfordshire Police is investigating the crime
Hertfordshire Police is investigating the crime
Officers investigating a burglary in Hemel Hempstead are appealing for information and witnesses.

Between 1pm and 2pm on Tuesday August 8, offenders gained access to a home in Minstrel Close, Gadebridge, and searched inside.

They took a white and blue pillowcase from one of the beds and put jewellery inside it before making off on foot down an alleyway in Minstrel Close.

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The offenders are described as two white men. One was wearing baggy jeans and a black raincoat.

PC Chris Phillips, who is investigating, said: “This burglary took place in the middle of the day when the offenders gained access to the property by entering the rear garden and breaking a glass pane in a conservatory door.

“I’m appealing for anyone who heard or saw anything suspicious between the times stated to get in touch.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Phillips via the Hertfordshire Constabulary non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference D1/17/6335 or report information online at, contact the independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through their anonymous online form at

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

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