Shell garage demolition plans edge closer as Tring apartment block plans are submitted

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Controversial plans to bulldoze Tring's only petrol station and build 34 retirement flats in its place could be given the go-ahead before Easter.

Developers Grace Mews LLC submitted the planning application on December 2, with Dacorum Borough Council stating the earliest date on a decision would be March 7.

However, residents from more than 40 homes have slammed the plans because of ‘inadequate’ parking and because it will strip the town of its only petrol station.

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The Environment Agency also has concerns because there is “potential contamination to the ground due to the previous use of the site as a petrol filling station.”

A resident who lives in Miswell Lane has objected to the plans because the town’s only petrol station is a “life-line.”

The resident added: “I use it (the Shell garage) all the time and it keeps this bustling town moving.

“If anything, a town of this size could do with another station.”

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A resident who lives in Okeley Lane said: “Any (parking) over-spill will undoubtedly result in Nursery Gardens being used.

“This is already overcrowded with parked vehicles from existing residents.”

The development, designed by KKM Architects on behalf of Grace Mews LLC, is described as “34 retirement apartments and ancillary 
facilities, including communal lounges, guest accommodation and staff offices with associated access, parking, servicing and amenity space”.

A spokesman for Peter Brett Associates, the agent for Grace Mews LLC, said: “The council has undertaken a public consultation on the proposals and a number of comments from local residents have been received.

“The applicant is currently reviewing these comments and will be discussing any revisions with council prior to determination of the application.”