Race against time to buy land next to park

Tring ParkTring Park
Tring Park
A fundraising campaign has started to raise £670,000 to buy land next to beautiful Tring Park.

The Woodland Trust is appealing for people to help support the bid to buy a neighbouring 63-acre plot of land which has unexpectedly come on to the market.

With donations from the public, the conservation charity says it can protect the land and open Tring Park up to a wider range of people.

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Karen Trickey, visitor experience officer for the Woodland Trust, said: “Tring Park is a fascinating site, and we’re excited by what this opportunity could mean for such a diverse and historic landscape. However, we have a limited time to act, as the land may pass into private hands.

“I would love to explore the potential this opportunity has to make Tring Park more accessible for local people, especially those who cannot make it into the site at the moment. The chance to manage more land for the benefit of local flora and fauna is also a huge bonus.”

If purchased, residents will be encouraged to feed into plans for the extension.

The Trust took over Tring Park 22 years ago, and has since worked to restore pockets of ancient woodland.

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It has carried out several years of restoration, supported by a £329,400 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund2.

For details visit www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/appeals.

> The Trust is hosting a festival of light from 6pm-8.30pm tonight (Wednesday, October 26). The wood will be illuminated but naked flames will not be allowed.

Admission is £5 per person with under 5s free but booking is essential with the money payable on the evening. Dogs must be on leads and the only toilets will be at the Natural History Museum.

For details email [email protected]